Fit Chocoholic's Friday Favorites #9

Raise your hand if you're happy it's Friday!! I know I am!

I have a feeling that most of my evening will be spent relaxing on the couch, iPad in hand reading a book. Schoen will be upstairs yelling at the TV in our media room because of two words...March Madness. The Oklahoma Sooners play tonight, but I just can't get into college basketball. I'm perfectly content hanging out downstairs with a good book.

As always here is what has been on my favorites list lately! Have a wonderful Friday morning everyone!

Friday Favorites

Coconut Oil Cooking Spray

I've been on the hunt for this lately and finally spotted it at my local grocery store! I've fallen in love with coconut oil lately and I was so happy that they're finally making a no stick spray now. Or maybe it's been around for a while and I've just been living under a rock? I've been using it all week to cook our scrambled eggs and chicken. It will be my go to no stick spray going forward! Score!

Storm Shelters

Late last week my parents had a storm shelter installed at their house. Finally! As you may know, Oklahoma is known for their horrible tornado activity, so I was a happy girl when I found out my mom and dad had one installed. With tornado season coming up, it's great to know that my parents, grandma and all of their dogs will have a safe place to go if need be. After having to get in the car and run from the F5 tornado that hit Moore, Oklahoma in 2013, a storm shelter will be one of my 'must haves' if we ever move back to Oklahoma.

Phalaenopsis Orchids

I spotted this beautiful orchid at the store earlier in the week and couldn't pass it up. Next to Tulips, Orchids are my all time favorite flower thanks to spending nearly my whole childhood in Singapore. I think it adds a pop of spring time into our kitchen. It's also super easy to care for. I only have to water it one time a week for 5 minutes and then remove any excess water that is in the container. 

Birds Eye Steamfresh Lightly Seasoned Veggies

These lightly seasoned veggies (especially the Asian Medley flavor) have been a staple in my weekly grocery store trips lately. I typically eat asparagus, or plain steamed broccoli with my meals. However, I'm notorious for burning myself out on certain foods by eating them over and over again. So I've been picking up these veggie medleys lately to keep my meals interesting. So far they've been great and I haven't gotten bored with any of my meals.

New Kitchen Gadgets

Earlier in the week I bought myself a Spirooli! I've seen so many people use vegetable spiralizers to make veggie pasta, so I've been wanting one for quite some time. I made noodles out of zucchini the other night and I think it turned out pretty well. I still need to tweak with the recipe a bit though. Zucchini releases a TON of water when it is cooked so the sauce was a bit too watery for my taste. Back to the drawing board I go...

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